Les bacs technos ont toute leur place en IUT : comment l’Université Cergy-Pontoise les fait réussir
Objectif : 45% de bacs technos
L’université de Cergy Pontoise a décidé de prendre à bras la réussite universitaire des bacheliers technologiques (STI2D, ST2S, STL, etc.). «Notre IUT accueille traditionnellement plus de bacheliers technologiques que la moyenne nationale, et ils ont décidé d'accentuer ce trait. À la rentrée 2013, l'IUT a accueilli 41% de bacheliers technologiques contre 39% un an plus tôt. L'objectif est d'atteindre à terme 45%», explique son président, François Germinet. Suite...
Cours en ligne : "plus que les MOOC, les SPOC ont de l'avenir à l'université"
Les « MOOC » (Massive Online Open Courses), en français les « CLOM » (Cours en Ligne Ouverts et Massifs), sont-ils l'avenir de l'université ?
Oui et non. Il y a de nombreux malentendus sur les cours en lignes. Il faut distinguer les MOOC, en tant que cours ouverts et massifs d'envergure internationale, et les SPOC (Small private online classes) qui sont des cours privés très proches du principe de la classe inversée à distance. Dans le premier cas, les MOOC ne représentent pas vraiment l'avenir de l'université : il s'agit de têtes de gondole qui participent à la renommée de l'établissement. En revanche, les SPOC, ces séquences pédagogiques accessibles par un petit groupe d'étudiants pour ensuite être retravaillées avec les enseignants, ont de l'avenir à l'université. Suite...
Report on risks of #learning analytics in education #educause
My university just pays lip service to equality and diversity
By Anonymous academic. Universities trot out BME staff for photos in their prospectuses, but when it comes to promotions, we are left at the end of the queue. I am a member of my university's BME staff group. Over the years, it has changed from a forum for us to discuss issues of racism, representation, and discrimination, to a co-opted showpiece for the university to show that it is doing its bit towards supporting equality. More...
'Paying interns is so in this year,' say protesters at London Fashion Week
By Libby Page. As London Fashion Week kicks off, students take a stand against the use of unpaid interns in the fashion industry. It wasn't just the bizarre outfits that attracted curious stares at London Fashion Week on Friday morning. A banner flung out of the window of Somerset House, overlooking the catwalk tents and fashion week crowds, declared: "Paying interns is so in this year."
But is it?
Students from King's College London (KCL) and the campaign group Intern Aware were raising awareness about the continued use of unpaid interns in the fashion industry. More...
A first-class degree? I'd rather get a job...
By Natasha Clark. With more students focusing on their employability skills to try and get a graduate job, these students are no longer aiming for firsts. There was a time when university students feared that getting a first was their only chance of getting a good graduate job, and scrambled to get a seat in the library in the hope of securing the top grades. But now many students are taking a different approach to standing out in the job market – by putting their extra-curricular activities above their education. More...
UK universities – it's time to go to India
By Claire Shaw. In five year's time, India will have the largest number of students enrolled in higher education. The UK can't sit back, it must go to India, urges report. UK universities must go to India if they are to benefit from a shake up to international higher education which will see India enrolling the largest number of students into tertiary education in the world by 2020, warns a British Council report. More...
Cameron's student visa policy is a disastrous own goal
By Timothy Garton Ash. The prime minister's careless immigration pledge is putting off some of our brightest visitors – and damaging Britain. Stupid. Incoherent. Short-sighted. Cack-handed. Intrusive. Counter-productive. One thesaurus is not enough to describe the folly of the British government's policy towards foreign students. Working in a British university, I see its dire effects every day. Kafkaesque, intrusive bureaucracy. More...
How to recruit and attract savvy students – five tips
By Simon Pride. Clever branding and cool apps can beat traditional marketing as universities compete to stand out from the crowd. The role of marketing in higher education has never been more important. In an era of higher fees, universities need to work even harder to differentiate their offering from that of their competitors. More...