Politique numérique : le livre vérité !
Vous parlez de l’absence d’une véritable évaluation des politiques numériques et des performances as sociées ? C’est un problème central selon vous ?
Notre propos était surtout, tout au long du livre, de faire des propositions, au-delà des constats. En effet, quels que soient les dimensions numériques dont on parle (contenus, services, accompagnement humain, infrastructures, etc.), ou des différents aspects d’une politique (moyens, processus, résultats, etc.), les données disponibles sont assez faibles (il n’y a guère que l’équipement qui est l’objet de statistiques riches). Suite de l'article...
L’arrivée du Smartphone a dévalorisé les contenus
Comme chercheur et enseignant, selon vous en matière numérique, qu’est ce qui a vraiment changé ?
Chez nous à l’UTT, les éléments visibles sont illustrés par la généralisation des usages. Un espace virtuel est ouvert avec l’ensemble des ressources. Ce qui monte aujourd’hui, c’est l’évaluation avec les tests en ligne pour se positionner rapidement et donc réduire les échecs. Enfin, à mon avis, l’une des évolutions majeures est la banalisation de l’usage du smart phone dans la salle de cours. Suite de l'article...
EMOOCs 2014 : la première conférence européenne sur les MOOC
Inspection inquisitoriale en CPGE
Norwegian students generally satisfied with their studies
The Norwegian Quality Assurance Agency (NOKUT) has launched a new nation wide student survey regarding students’ satisfaction. This is the first national survey of this kind in Norway and will now be repeated on a yearly basis. The responses this year came from about 17 600 students from 58 universities and university colleges in Norway, with a response rate of about 32%. See more...
A new social contract for higher education
We are pleased to present you another recorded session from the HEIK academic seminar series in the field of higher education. This lecture was recorded in December 2013 and features Professor Peter Maassen who in this presentation discusses the new social contract for higher education. See more...
Part-time online PhD opportunities at Lancaster
Lancaster University has developed a PhD programme that is fully online and distance learning based part-time PhD that is taken over four years. Completion of the programme gives the successful graduate a PhD in Higher Education Research, Evaluation and Enhancement.
During year 1 and 2 there are five modules that offer participants guided study in key areas of Higher Education Research, Evaluation and Enhancement, this includes courses on: Enhancing Higher Education: Policy and Change Processes; Evaluative Practice in Social Policy Domains: Higher Education; Enhancing Learning Teaching and Assessment at University; Researching Higher Education; Connecting Research and Practice. During years 3 and 4 the participants carry out an original piece of research under the supervision of a member of staff and produce a thesis (45,000 words). See more...
Mit zweierlei Maß gemessen
Relief greets news of 'better than expected' university budget
By Lucy Ward. Universities warn that while access and high-cost courses have been made a priority, they are not completely protected. Universities are bracing themselves for significant cuts to teaching budgets totalling around £160m next year, while welcoming efforts to shield poorer students and high-cost courses from the worst of the cutbacks. The delayed announcement of the cash available for higher education in 2014-15 and beyond represents a less bleak picture than many in the sector had feared, amid rumours last month of £200m cuts including the axing of the Student Opportunity Allocation, a fund supporting widening participation. More...